CURE is a restaurant and bar located in the Rochester Public Market. Our menu features seasonal, locally-sourced interpretations of French farm cuisine.
CURE is open for dinner and cocktails, Wednesday through Sunday, from 5 p.m. until 11 p.m. (bar ‘til late). Cure serves brunch on Sunday, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Cure is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. Walk-ins are welcome, reservations are suggested. Call (585) 563-7941. [If you call on a Monday, we'll call you back on Tuesday.]
CURE is located in Rochester's Public Market at #50, adjacent to Flour City Bread Co. Access to Cure can be found via Union St. or Railroad St. There is tons of parking available. Cure is situated at sidewalk level, with the dining room and restroom wheelchair accessible.
Cure is run by Chef Dan Martello and Chuck Cerankosky. These guys are from Restaurant Good Luck. Chef de Cuisine is Andreas Petsos. Cocktails and Management by Donny Clutterbuck.
CURE is located inside the Rochester Public Market, #50 in the row of buildings along the Market's north end.
CURE is located next to Flour City Bread Co.
Nighttime access to the Market is available at two points:
Railroad Street Gate: Turn onto Railroad from Main St., and proceed all the way to the Market gate (it may appear locked from a distance, but you will see that it is open as you get closer). Take a right turn into the market, and follow the parking lot lanes towards the row of buildings, just beyond the temporary shed. You will see Cure ahead and slightly to your left.
Union Street Gate: Take Union Street and turn into the Market. Make a left at the first stop sign, and continue down the parking lanes with the sheds on your right and row of buildings on your left. Halfway down you will see Cure on your left.
Coronavirus Coverage:
Liquor Sales Boom | April 2020
Booze Delivery | March 2020
Digital Happy Hour | March 2020
Industry Outlook | March 2020
Dining & Bar Coverage:
New Restaurant Offers the Cure for Wine List Ills, Palate Press
Showing the construction of our 'Bandolier' cocktail